Oryx Nashville Raises Over $6,500 for Employee who Survives Cancer

On October 2nd, 2014, Brett Herbst was diasnosed with testicular cancer at the age of 22 year old. Brett graduated from college in May and began his career with Oryx, Inc. in St Louis. Brett had an opportunity to relocate with the company in September to help with the expansion to Nashville, TN. With Brett being a young man in his first full time career and in a new city, the team at Oryx Nashville felt an obligation to help Brett through the most difficult challenge of his life. Management secretly set up an online fundraising page and partnered with Corner Pub in Brentwood, TN for an event to help raise money. The effort of everyone involved was able to help generate over $6,500 to help Brett with his medical expenses. "I was so surprised when I found out that everyone worked so hard to help me. I couldn't ask for a more supportive company and group of friends. I am looking forward to finishing my chemotherapy and getting back to work", Brett said during his fundraising event at Corner Pub. 

Below are a few pictures and a link to our press release.



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